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June 19 2023
During the June Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, speaker Lily Edwards-Callaway started her presentation by sharing a well-known message written by our company’s founder, W.D. Hoard
June 19 2023
Those in dairy circles have long known that the dairy cow has a unique ability to convert forages into nutritious milk
June 19 2023
Long before American businesses committed to corporate social responsibility, dairy farmers set the precedent for purpose-driven work by producing a product that nourishes youth and families
June 19 2023
Mild moisture stress early in the season is often not extremely detrimental to corn when subsurface moisture has been adequate, but what about other crops?
June 19 2023
Since 2008, Chinese import growth has accounted for about half of the growth in global import dairy demand
June 15 2023
Two mainstay farm animals have far different value propositions these days
June 15 2023
Farm bill negotiations, an effort to modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, and an ongoing dairy labeling battle provided up-and-coming dairy leaders with no shortage of topics to discuss with...
June 15 2023
While alternative beverages seem to get more positive press coverage these days than fluid milk sales, dairy team members from two grocery chains acknowledged that milk remains as the major player
June 15 2023
Dry conditions have persisted through much of the early growing season so far in many places around the country, which was helpful for planting but has been concerning for young plant growth
Bauer-climate change web
June 12 2023
While data points indicate that the climate is changing, we don’t know exactly what that means for agricultural production
June 12 2023
There is no question National Dairy Council (NDC) is considered a scientific authority when it comes to dairy nutrition thanks to farmers’ vision that created the organization more than a century...
Allen-stress web
June 12 2023
The reason stressed cows produce less milk appears to be rooted in lactose synthesis, which is limited when cows are challenged with a stressor, describe researchers from the University of California,...
June 12 2023
The financial health of dairy producers has weakened in 2023. The April 2023 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) margin falling below the $6 level provides insight into dairy producers' tight margin situation
Export web No. 1
June 12 2023
Consumers crave connection. How do you create that connection? Build a center halfway around the world, find some of the best people to run it, and ultimately develop synergy between the U.S. and customers...
June 12 2023
Human and animal interactions: Impacts on cows and caregivers is presented by: Lily Edwards-Callaway, Colorado State University
June 8 2023
June 2023 Hoard's Dairyman classifieds
June 8 2023
On a trip to Michigan last week, a common theme among the conversations we had with farmers was the need for rain
June 8 2023
Establishing high-forage diets has been an indispensable practice to optimize milk components and dairy profitability
Allen-milk web
June 8 2023
This spring, an advertising campaign developed by the Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP) captured the internet when it parodied the rise of alternative milk beverages by proclaiming that actress...
1-Lead-USDEC Singapore
June 8 2023
It’s often said, “Seeing is believing.” To that end, a delegation of U.S. dairy farmers from nine states saw, for the first time, the U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence in action